Friday, June 02, 2006

Beth Fox

Date: Tuesday June 22, 2004 - 12:13PM
Name: Beth Fox
Location: Bay Area
Comments: I met Tony while working at WebTV in 1997. It was at one of the first of many Production Meetings I was to attend. I was introduced to about 20 people (at least 10 being from Customer Care) so, naturally, I forgot all of their names. For some reason, as the mind tends to play funny tricks on one, I had Tony mixed up with someone else. That "someone else" was not a very pleasant person. So when I mistakenly called Tony by that other person's name, he let me know, in no uncertain terms, that he was NOT that nasty person! ;-) How dare I get him mixed up with that other person! Needless to say I never forgot Tony's name after that ;-)

I remember the first party I attended at Tony and Harvey's house at 751 Haight Street. I absolutely hated driving up to the city -- I rarely drove up there -- maybe to go to Fisherman's Wharf when I had out of town visitors or across the bridge to Sausalito for sightseeing. I ALWAYS had panic attacks driving up to the city and this time was no exception. Finding parking near the house on a Friday night was a nightmare. After 45 minutes of cruising around, I was close to calling Tony on my cell and telling him I was going to call it a night and go home. "How do people live up here?" I screamed, so that anyone within a 5 block radius could hear. Well, I finally found parking about 10 blocks away in a not so good part of town. I was sure that I would be murdered before I reached Tony and Harvey's place. But I made it to the house. I knocked on the door. Tony opened the door and with a huge smile said, "Hi doll, I'm so glad you made it. What would you like to drink?" It was at that moment that I knew I had found my 2nd home.......a smile, a big hug, a kiss and a doesn't get any better!!

Throughout the years, there were many parties and many dinners. All of them were special in their own way. All of them brought together people from different backgrounds and walks of life to be embraced by the warmth and love Tony and Harvey showered on them.

But my fondest memories of Tony are the times that weren't tremendously exciting. The time Tony MADE me watch The Rose with Bette Midler because.... OMG, I had never seen it! Sitting in my living room, crocheting and eating PB&J sandwiches and just talking. The long phone conversations where he was always willing to share his wisdom about love, career and the importance of having at least one pair of conservative black pumps! And the times I would come up to stay with him because I needed some TLC -- he would cook for me, we'd take long walks, play racquetball at GG park, watch movies and sleep in on a Sunday morning.

Tony was my Chicken Soup.


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