Friday, June 02, 2006

Sonya Trejo

Date: Wednesday June 23, 2004 - 02:06PM
Name: Sonya Trejo
Location: San Diego, CA
I met Tony in late 1996 when I was trying to both work and finish my last semester of school. I couldn't believe my luck at having such a likeable supervisor at my first "real job." I thought the family he had, essentially a child with four loving parents, was incredible. I was thrilled every time I was invited to a party at his beautiful home.

When WebTV decided to send Customer Care folk to Las Vegas, Tony and I were sent together. I had never been to Las Vegas, and at that point in my life, had never spent more than $10 for a resturant meal. He put up with my lack of sophistication, and taught me how to eat a *real* resturant meal, "What no salad? And have the soup. Of course we'll have desert." I let him have the bottle of wine to himself. :)

Tony to me was a rich man, a man rich with a family, a home, good food, and good friends, and also a very generous, welcoming man. I'm sad to learn that he was suffering. I will miss him very much.


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